Collegiate QSO Party Cabrillo Specification Version 0.92 Required Header Fields CONTEST: CQP AFFILIATION1: AFFILIATION2: AFFILIATION3: CATEGORY-STATION: CALLSIGN: where AFFILIATION is: College/university you attened or club name you are operating under. Up to three affiliations may be included if you attended more than one schol. where CATEGORY-STATION is: "CLASS-CLP" for collegiate station, low power "CLASS-CHP" for collegiate station, high power "CLASS-ELP" for collegiate employee, low power "CLASS-EHP" for collegiate employee, high power "CLASS-ALP" for collegiate club alumni, low power "CLASS-ALP" for collegiate club alumni, low power "CLASS-ILP" for individual/non-collegiate club, low power "CLASS-IHP" for for individual/non-collegiate club, low power Other valid Cabrillo fields (e.g., NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, SOAPBOX, LOCATION, CLAIMED-SCORE, etc.) may also be included. See QSO Format ------info sent--------- ------info rcvd-------------- QSO: freq mo date time call oc call oc sch m QSO: ***** ** yyyy-mm-dd nnnn ************* aaa ************* aaa aaaaa QSO: 14000 PH 2018-09-15 1801 KK4LWR IHP KD8RTT ILP RHIT A QSO: 7000 CW 2018-09-15 1802 KK4LWR IHP W4DFU CHP UF U 0000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 mo: "PH" for all voice QSO's. "CW" for all CW/digital mode QSO's. c: "I" for individual class. "C" for club class. "S" for school class. sch: abbreviation of school or club "none" if individual m: "S" for satellite QSO "A" for alumni QSO "C" for collegiate station "U" for QSO with college/univeristy you attended QRP bonus should be logged with the callsign. ex. KK4LWR/QRP Questions: